Monday, 17 December 2012


By Radhika Agrawal

She looked out the window,
At the luminous sky,
Searching for the ones she'd lost,
Aching for a last goodbye.

She craned her neck,
Urging the blue to appear.
She had waited months for the sea,
To unearth a home for her tears.

She gazed at the portrait,
She had made last night.
She held it close to her heart,
Where it felt just right.

She was proud of her art,
It mirrored all her love.
She hoped and invoked,
That he could see it from above.

Now she stood in the sand,
Unable to weep.
She was tired of promises,
The ones he couldn't keep.

She scuttled towards the water,
An infinitesimal creature in the sea.
She walked closer to the horizon,
To set him free.

She folded her portrait,
The way he had taught her to.
Then she set it amidst the waves,
The way he would do.

Her heart stood in her eyes,
As the boat sailed away.
She smiled, knowing her gift
Would reach her father someday.

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